- 奥地利、捷克和荷兰则断然拒绝。
- Austria , the czech republic and the netherlands have flatly refused .
- 温图尔断然否认她在谋求某项政府工作。
- Wintour flatly denies she 's angling for some kind of government job .
- 陪护中介的经营者断然否认他们的业务是性交易。
- Operators of escort agencies flatly deny that they are in the business of selling sex .
- 记者询问施工单位时,负责人断然否认是施工不当造成的问题。
- When reporter asked construction units , the responsible person categorically denied the problems caused by improper construction .
- 在与高级顾问,军方长官,外交官员,巴勒斯坦谈判代表和阿拉伯裔以色列人进行了一周的会谈之后,我可以明确地说巴以和谈又将以失败告终。
- Having just spent a week there meeting with senior intelligence , military and diplomatic officials , as well as palestinian negotiators and arab-israelis , I can say categorically that these talks will fail .
- 德勤同样予以强有力的否认,表示对所谓的不端行为“一无所知”,并直截了当地否认了其曾经以任何行为帮助过银行违反法律。
- Deloitte was equally emphatic in its denials , saying it " had no knowledge of any alleged misconduct ...... and categorically denies that it aided in any way any violation of law by the bank . "
- 斯塔克的质疑完全正确。
- Mr stark was absolutely right .
- 今天我绝对不会感到恐惧。
- Today I fear absolutely nothing .
- 其实这完全是一个不符合现实的笑话。
- This is absolutely a ridiculous joke against facts .