- 而一个比截止年份的后两位数字大的两位数年份所处的世纪比与该截止年份所处的世纪要早。
- A two-digit year that is greater than the last two digits of the cutoff year is in the century that precedes the cutoff year .
- 周一,韩国宣布了包括中断贸易在内的一系列对朝制裁措施。
- And on monday , south korea announced a series of penalties , including a trade cutoff , on north korea .
- 信用卡公司有近路以低利率将如何走.
- Credit card companies have a cutoff as to how low their interest rates will go .
- 应切除并更换含缺陷超过该值的焊缝。
- Welds containing defects exceeding that amount shall be cutout and replaced .
- 我们正站在电影院门厅一位男演员的纸板像旁边。
- We were standing next to a cardboard cutout of the actor in the cinema foyer .
- 放在会议室,不要放在角落。
- In the conference room . And don 't stick the cutout in the corner .
- 特别提供的贴士包括用冷水洗衣,并且自然晾干,而不是用干衣机烘干。
- Specific tips include washing clothes in cold water and drying them in the air rather than in a dryer .
- 但银行信贷的干涸也是一个重要的部分。
- But bank credit drying up has also played a big part .
- 他在1871年发展了一套干燥湿照相底版的方法。
- He also developed a method of drying wet photographic plates in 1871 .