- 斜视手术能好吗需住院吗。
- Asquint good operation energy what necessaries is in hospital what .
- 2007年,伦敦bridge中心生育诊所检查了一个胚胎,使得这个孩子将来不会像他父亲那样忍受严重斜视的痛苦。
- In 2007 , the bridge centre fertility clinic in london screened embryos so that a baby wouldn 't suffer from a serious squint that afflicted the father .
- 如果你在室外,记住中午是最糟糕的拍照时间,因为这是的太阳最刺眼,你很可能斜视。
- If you 're outdoors , remember that noon is the worst time to take a photo , because that 's when the sun is harshest and you 're more likely to squint .
- 你必须信赖你眯眼时所看到的东西。
- You must rely on what you see when you squint down .