- 展示写一手好字的能力和意愿,粗略的等同于显示自己在一辆黑色奔驰中。
- Demonstrating the ability , and the inclination , to write well is a rough equivalent to showing up in a black mercedes .
- 然而科比没有得到选择继任主帅的机会,甚至不能表达自己的意愿。
- Bryant didn 't deserve the chance to choose the next coach , nor did he have the inclination .
- 在中投的确拥有股份的公司里,迄今为止它没什么意愿去干涉公司的运营。
- Where it does hold direct stakes , it has so far shown little inclination to interfere in the running of companies .
- 当史蒂夫冲下斜坡时,他可以听到罗尼在前面呼喊。
- As steve bolted down the slope , he could hear ronnie 's cries ahead .
- 你或许感到现在你的生活是一个巨大的向下的斜坡。
- You might be feeling like your life right now is one giant downhill slope .
- 权宜之计:如果你住在斜坡上,试着做一个虹吸管。
- The quick fix : if you live on a slope , try making a siphon .
- 如今的牛仔裤大多越往下裤腿越小。
- Most jeans these days taper towards the ankle .
- 如果过去的指引对现在有意义,那这波行情在十月前会逐渐结束。
- If the past is of meaningful guidance , this wave will taper off before october .
- 重复这种操作方式以拆下两个开口锥孔。
- Proceed in this way to remove both split taper sockets .
- 每位女性的平均音调都通过她的声音录制进行衡量。
- Each woman 's average voice pitch was measured across her vocal recording .
- 全球化的拥护者有时只是需要更好的“推销”技巧。
- Sometimes the defenders of globalisation just need a better sales pitch .
- 但是这些频率之间有着特殊的谐波关系,这就是为什么你只会听到只有单一音调的一个声音。
- But the frequencies have a special harmonic relationship , which is why you hear it as a single sound with a single pitch .
- 为了进一步确认这一实验结果,研究人员在孔附近充满氨溶液的培养基种培养细菌菌落,发现了同样的粘液梯度。
- To further confirm their results , the researchers grew bacterial colonies near wells filled with a solution of ammonia and found the same slime gradient .
- 尽管16%的坡度较为容易,行人爬坡还是相当吃力的。
- It was also quite difficult for pedestrians to climb as 16 % gradient was more manageable .
- 现在我们正在设计的工作意味着同不同经验的梯度被显示出来。
- Now more than ever , we 're designing work meant to be viewed along a gradient of different experiences .
- 用耙子把土壤表面耙平。
- Use a rake to create a level surface .
- 用金属耙子头部轻轻地压实土壤。
- Using the head of the metal rake , lightly firm the soil .
- 用双脚或耙子顶部把土壤压平,因为洋葱在比较坚硬的土壤中长势更好。
- Use your feet or the head of the rake to firm down the soil as onions grow well in hard soil .