- 国际空间站大约是距此西南304公里(289英里)海拔加上这个地方水平距离提供了一个倾斜的视角。
- The altitude plus the horizontal distance from the site-iss was approximately 304 kilometers ( 289 miles ) to the southwest-produces an oblique view .
- 上月,车臣总统拉姆赞卡德罗夫(ramzankadyrov)与普京就重建该自治共和国的资金问题进行紧张(如果说也有点拐弯抹角的话)的谈判。
- This month , ramzan kadyrov , chechnya 's president , was engaged in a tense , if somewhat oblique , exchange with mr putin over the question of finances for rebuilding the autonomous republic .
- 在招股书中只拐弯抹角地用一句话提到有可能存在的这种风险“因立法、监管当局或包括和解及协议诉讼的强制执行所带来的一些变化,有可能会对我们造成不可估量的影响。”
- In the s-1 the only oblique reference to that possibility comes in a single bullet point alluding to " changes mandated by legislation , regulatory authorities , or litigation , including settlements and consent decrees , some of which may have a disproportionate effect on us . "
- 太阳在靠近地平线处沿着倾斜的环形轨迹运动,即不会太高也不会太低。
- The sun moves in an inclined circle around the horizon , never too high , but never getting too low either .
- 中东地区则更为夸张,这次的形式是世界上最倾斜的建筑其倾斜角度为比萨斜塔的4倍。
- More hyperbole for the middle east , this time in the form of the world 's most inclined building four times as leaning as the tower of pisa .
- 这些纹路有一层排水的蜡质,甲虫身体倾斜,水滴就可滚到嘴里。
- These troughs are covered with a waxy water-repelling substance which has the effect of rolling the droplets down the beetle 's inclined body and into its mouth .
- 有时候这些都会歪曲研究结果。
- That can sometimes skew research results .
- 近期内与其说世界经济是在寻找平衡,还不如说是在债台高筑的西方和节俭的东方之间发展得更加偏斜。
- Rather than rebalancing , the world economy in the immediate future will skew even more between a debt-ridden west and thrifty east .
- 随着总线频率的增加简单的提高vtt可能会也可能不会产生并保持住恰当的电压容限来满足信号偏斜的最低样本需求。
- Simply raising vtt may or may not create voltage margins necessary to sufficiently skew signals as required to meet minimum sample and hold times for increased bus frequencies .
- 关于斜线,需要牢记的最重要一件事在这幅绘画中显露无遗:它们引导视线,传递动感。
- The most important thing to remember about diagonal lines are evidenced in this painting : they lead the eye , and convey movement .
- 在这个狭窄的半岛上,他的团队建造的不是横穿半岛的短小街道,而是沿对角线建造道路,拉长了住宅的视野。
- Instead of short streets cutting horizontally across the narrow peninsula , his team inserted diagonal roads , creating longer sightlines through the housing .
- 新金读尺寸为7.5×4.8×0.3,不过屏幕还是一如既往的对角线6大小。
- The new one measures 7.5 by 4.8 by 0.3 inches , yet the screen has the same six-inch diagonal measurements as always .