The most important thing to remember about diagonal lines are evidenced in this painting : they lead the eye , and convey movement .
Instead of short streets cutting horizontally across the narrow peninsula , his team inserted diagonal roads , creating longer sightlines through the housing .
The new one measures 7.5 by 4.8 by 0.3 inches , yet the screen has the same six-inch diagonal measurements as always .
With a screen measuring 9.7 inches ( 24.6 cm ) along a diagonal , the ipad is way too big to fit in a pocket .
Oklahoma real estate agent and coal company owner cyrus avery worked with john woodruff , a highway proponent , to advocate a diagonal roadway running from chicago to los angeles .
The hardest moves to compute are those of the knight , for it can leap over and around other pieces , and the moves are not in a straight line or diagonal like all of the other pieces .
Amazon 's 6-inch , diagonal kindle is only $ 189 , and these prices are still coming down , not to mention the negotiating power of volume discounts .
Extreme foreshortening , shooting on the diagonal , straight down from a considerable height or straight up from the ground-all these are known to this day as " rodchenko angles " .
For example , a normal person uses diagonal movements when walking : we swing the left arm when the right leg moves forward , and so on .
The marine stratus clouds above were photographed by the aqua satellite over the south atlantic ocean , off the west coast of africa . A fractal cloud pattern is interrupted by a series of diagonal grooves .