- 虚证的临床表现是神疲体倦,面容憔悴,心悸气短,自汗,盗汗,五心烦热,畏寒肢冷,脉虚无力等。
- The clinical manifestations of deficiency syndrome are lassitude , lusterless complexion , palpitation and shortness of breath , spontaneous sweating , night sweating , or feverish sensation over five centers , aversion to cold , and cold limbs and weak pulse , etc.
- 虚证的临床表现是神疲体倦,面容憔悴,心悸气短,自汗,盗汗,五心烦热,畏寒肢冷,脉虚无力等。
- The clinical manifestations of deficiency syndrome are lassitude , lusterless complexion , palpitation and shortness of breath , spontaneous sweating , night sweating , or feverish sensation over five centers , aversion to cold , and cold limbs and weak pulse , etc.
- 一想到他就要在又冷又黑的林子里坐上整个晚上,只能听见狼嚎、回音和那匹瘦马的鼻息声,土地测量员就开始觉得脊椎发疼,就像是有把冰冷的锉刀在背后锉一样。
- At the thought that he would have to sit through the whole night in the cold and dark forest and hear nothing but the wolves , the echo , and the snorting of the scraggy mare , the surveyor began to have twinges down his spine as though it were being rasped with a cold file .