- 一个更加明显的例子是luigibormoli的网站,它使用ajax制造出一种优雅的表现方式,来呈现玻璃器皿的感觉。
- A more obvious example might be the luigi bormoli website , which uses ajax to produce an elegant presentation of glassware .
- 这是一项艰难的工作实验室玻璃器皿中的天然硅,甚至是空气中的硅颗粒,都有可能破坏测量结果,在nist领导这项工作的gregturk说。
- The measurement is difficult-the natural silicon in laboratory glassware or even in the dust in the air can throw off measurements , says greg turk , who is leading the effort at nist .
- 昨夜人们在拍卖行外排起长队,以求一睹藏品中约700件艺术品、玻璃器皿和雕塑的风采,法国报纸称之为“世纪大拍卖”。
- The queues were forming outside the auction house last night for previews of what is being described in the french press as " the sale of the century " with some 700 pieces of art , glassware and sculpture in the collection .
- 这幅图中,饲养员在体检过程中给幼崽称重。
- In this image , a feeder weighs the cub during a physical examination .
- 自动文档送纸器已经通过测试!
- The automatic document feeder passed its test !
- 文档送纸器缺纸。是否再试一次?
- There is no paper in the document feeder . Try again ?