- 斑锦突变体植物不仅是一种很重要的观赏园艺植物,而且在生命科学研究中具有极重要的价值。
- Variegated mutant plant is not only a very important ornamental plant , but it is also a very important material in life science study .
- 其他有时需注意与花斑癣、单纯糠疹所致色素减退斑鉴别,还与麻风白斑、二期梅毒白斑鉴别。
- Other sometimes need attention and tinea versicolor , pure kangzhen decreased due to identify , variegated pigment with leprosy spot , second spot syphilis .
- 这些学说路德教,曾受到一个杂色历史在百年之后,改革的时代。
- These doctrines of lutheranism were subject to a variegated history in the centuries following the reformation era .