- 这始于2006年,在这一年焦博士发明了一种名叫时序红外显微数字化的技术,简称tirem,它能准确测量海洋中aapb的含量。
- That started happening in 2006 , when dr jiao developed a technique called time-series observation-based infra-red epifluorescence microscopy , or tirem for short , that is able to measure the amount of aapb in the oceans accurately .
- 但是焦博士注意到其在海底的分布有些奇怪。
- But dr jiao noticed something odd about its distribution in the sea .
- 在焦博士和他的同僚们着手进行研究之后,揭开了对于它们来说更重要的东西。
- Which is more important to them , though , was not clear until dr jiao and his colleagues began their research .
- 如果你说要“超大杯脱脂chailatte”或者“曲奇碎碎巧克力星冰乐”,最多,只能换得一个白眼。
- Ordering a " venti skinny chai latte " or a " grande chocolate cookie crumble frappuccino " would have earned , at best , a blank stare .
- 在创意行业工作的人们如设计师,建筑师和艺术家们,在柴湾,香港仔和港岛南部的鸭洲等老工业区的仓库里安营扎寨,最近在港岛南部也建起了一条地铁。
- Those in the creative fields like designers , architects and artists are fixing up loft spaces in old industrial warehouses in chai wan , aberdeen and ap lei lau on the south side of the island where a new metro line is being built .
- 电视转播显示,下议院议长猜(chaichidchob)在这场会议上说,464位参会议员中,186人投票反对阿披实,246人投票支持他。
- Of the 464 members of parliament who attended the meeting , 186 voted against the premier while 246 voted in favor of him , house speaker chai chidchob said in a televised broadcast of the parliamentary meeting .