- 非汉民聚居区,则设置羁縻府州,即继续维护当地本民族首领的行政管理制度,冠以唐朝都护、都督、州剌史的名号,允其以旧俗治理其部众。
- In the areas inhabited by other ethnic groups , the tang rulers governed through the traditional chiefs and headmen , who were granted civil and military titles but allowed to manage local affairs according to their own customs .
- 罗伯特斯普林伯格(robertspringborg)是海军研究生学校的国家安全事务教授和文武关系中心的中东项目负责人。
- Robert springborg is professor of national security affairs at the naval postgraduate school and program manager for the middle east at the center for civil-military relations .