- 博物馆的里面满是文明与历史奇迹的荟萃。
- Inside the museum is a wonder of culture and history .
- 你的组织文化是什么?
- What is your organizational culture ?
- 文化解释不了福岛核事故。
- Culture does not explain fukushima .
- 整代文明完全依存於他。
- All modern civilization depends entirely upon him .
- 人类文明运行于软件之上。
- Our civilization runs on software .
- 自人类文明起源时就有了律师。
- Lawyers have been around since the start of civilization .
- 文化程度的低下阻止了深远持久的社会运动。
- Low literacy blocks meaningful social mobility .
- 提高女性识字能力可以改善健康状况,使女性能够维护自己的合法权利。
- Female literacy improves health and enables women to assert their legal rights .
- 多数乡村儿童因缺乏基本的文化知识而无法摆脱土地的束缚。
- Most village children lack the basic literacy needed to find work off the land .