- 一个提高意志力的简单方式就是在整洁的环境工作。
- A simple way to improve willpower is to operate in a neat environment .
- 然而她却是一个卫生怪人,并不是一个整洁的人。
- While she is a sanitary freak , she is not a neat person .
- 使用完毕后,您可以将平板电脑放在里面,然后将整个保护套整齐地折叠起来。
- When you 're done you leave the tablet inside and fold the whole thing up into a neat cover .
- 我的玩具现在很整齐。
- My toys are tidy now .
- 你如何让耳机线保持整齐呢?
- How do you keep your headphone cords tidy ?
- 因此十分有必要将表单设计得清晰和整齐。
- Therefore it is vital to design a clear and tidy form .
- 即便在大选期间也是如此。
- Even in a political season .
- 现在连制药公司也加入。
- Even drug companies are involved .
- 但即便是这样,仍有半数认罪。
- Even so , half still confessed .
- 下届政府可能想要将fsa得权力移交给中央银行,届时fsa将被清算看起来已成定局。
- The probable next government wants to hand the fsa 's powers to the central bank , so by the time things look more shipshape , the fsa may well have been liquidated itself .
- 保持联盟的整齐有序应该也是他们的利益所在。
- It should be in their interest to keep the alliance shipshape .
- 书整齐有序地摆在书架上。
- Those books are shipshape on the shelf .