- 一个提高意志力的简单方式就是在整洁的环境工作。
- A simple way to improve willpower is to operate in a neat environment .
- 然而她却是一个卫生怪人,并不是一个整洁的人。
- While she is a sanitary freak , she is not a neat person .
- 使用完毕后,您可以将平板电脑放在里面,然后将整个保护套整齐地折叠起来。
- When you 're done you leave the tablet inside and fold the whole thing up into a neat cover .
- 这个套路是与通胀是由太多钱引起这个观点紧密相关的,它看起来比它本该做的更古怪,但不论如何,这加强了欧洲央行拘谨的形象。
- This ritual nod to the idea that inflation is caused by too much money seems more quaint than it should , but nevertheless adds to the bank 's prim image .
- 广告范围从一本正经的到肮脏下流的,相当数量的人真的为他们能提供的“家伙”上传了照片。
- The ads range from prim to raunchy ; a good number of people include photographs of precisely what they have to offer .
- 尤其是殖民统治的一个遗迹有关公共礼仪的一本正经态度已经成为当地人与大陆游客争论的焦点。
- One vestige of colonial rule in particular - a prim attitude about public manners-has been a common source of disputes between locals and mainland visitors .
- 相反地,大银行将随着存款变得昂贵而削减他们的存款基数。
- Conversely , the big banks would trim their deposit bases as they became more expensive .
- 现在不是提高消费税的时候,也不是削减医疗和养老金福利的时候。
- Now is not the time to raise taxes on consumption and trim healthcare and pension benefits .
- 他要关闭的基地和削减的项目背后都有一个游说团体在维护。
- Every base he would close and programme he would trim has a lobby to defend it .
- 下届政府可能想要将fsa得权力移交给中央银行,届时fsa将被清算看起来已成定局。
- The probable next government wants to hand the fsa 's powers to the central bank , so by the time things look more shipshape , the fsa may well have been liquidated itself .
- 保持联盟的整齐有序应该也是他们的利益所在。
- It should be in their interest to keep the alliance shipshape .
- 书整齐有序地摆在书架上。
- Those books are shipshape on the shelf .