- 最近,我很烦恼我唠叨的妈妈。
- Recently , I am really being bored about my garrulous mum .
- 彼得每当紧张时总是变得唠唠叨叨。
- Pete tended to become garrulous when he was nervous .
- 在嘈杂和民主制度的印度,纷扰的尘埃更容易衡量。
- In garrulous , democratic india , the fallout is easier to gauge .
- 总的一句话,这部冗长的文件谈论了很多关于重建“财政纪律”以及停止“谋杀工作的高涨税费”的内容。
- In general , the wordy document contains much talk of restoring " fiscal discipline " and stopping " job-killing tax hikes " .
- 但许多网站为了避免陷入法律纠纷,只是简单地把年龄限制条款罗列到网站冗长唠叨的法律声明中,因此用户在注册时几乎不会注意到。
- But many sites , wary of the headaches involved with trying to enforce the law , simply added age restrictions to their terms of service -- those wordy legal documents that users rarely read before signing up .