- 达沃斯在这方面并不是唯一的。
- Davos is not unique in this respect .
- 他是一个我们都尊敬的人。
- He is a man that we all respect .
- 西班牙人对他们的政客们失去了尊敬。
- Spaniards have lost respect for their politicians .
- 尊严就是:值得被尊敬或尊重的品质或状态。
- Dignity : the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect .
- 他是应该勇敢面对民主党国会议员,重新赢得美国中间派民众的尊敬,并在2012年获得连任?
- Does he stand up to congressional democrats , regain the esteem of the middle of the country and get re-elected in 2012 ?
- 结果是,如今人们把他摆在了和马丁路德金一样受人尊敬的地位。
- In consequence , he is now held in the same high esteem as his black equivalent , martin luther king .
- 床单上到处散落着新鲜香烟,那是游客出于崇敬扔在上面的。
- Fresh cigarettes lie scattered atop the sheets , tossed there by tourists as a sign of reverence .
- 费拉也批评他的同胞,指责他们的懦弱和对当权者的过分崇敬。
- Fela also criticised his countrymen for what he saw as their exaggerated reverence for authority and cowardice .
- 这两种人可以从这里洞悉到,我们对领导的敬畏使我们对美好、巧妙而明智的东西视而不见。
- This can give both types insight into how our reverence for alpha status blinds us to things that are good and smart and wise .