- 移民也帮助了思想的传播。
- Diasporas also help spread ideas .
- 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。
- But since then militancy has spread .
- 但是知识也是会传播的。
- But the knowledge can also spread .
- 真正的影响当然较小,因为从两个层电子都会散射一些。
- The real effect is smaller because electrons scatter somewhat from both layers .
- 莫斯科郊外森林中一个隐藏的吉普赛人营地,为躲避警察突袭,妇女和儿童正在分散。
- Women and children scatter to avoid a police raid at a gypsy camp hidden in a forest outside moscow .
- 它们对许多初创企业分散下注(这些企业的利润率大多不高、甚至还会亏损),寄望于少数企业能为它们带来巨额回报。
- They scatter bets around many start-ups , most of which fail or produce mediocre returns , relying on a few big winners .
- 尽管有这些秘密的法律,并且面临巨大的个人危险,埃尔斯博格依然设法向新闻记者和全世界散布这些五角大楼的文件。
- In spite of those secrecy laws and at great personal risk , ellsberg manages to disseminate the pentagon papers to journalists and to the world .
- 不久之后,该报道被证明是一家新成立不久的电视台伪造的,其目的是教育人们通过媒体散布虚假信息是多么容易。
- It later emerged that the report had been fabricated by a youth television programme , aiming to illustrate how easy it was to disseminate false information via the media .
- 政府组织在各方面在最近循环中被中央政府力催加强他们的能源节约管理,培养能越节约产品市场,同时在公众中散布能源节约知识。
- And the governmental organizations at all levels were urged by the central government in a recent circular to enhance their energy-saving management , cultivate energy-saving product markets and disseminate energy-saving knowledge among the public .