- 你可以以有创造性的途径和测试使用这些媒介,来看一下是否这个教学法和影响、这个奖励与挑战真的出现了。
- You can use the medium in really inventive ways and test to see if the pedagogy and impact , the rewards and challenges , are really coming out .
- 这些在过去两年快速扩张的课后数学辅导班的录取情况和地理位置告诉我们,这些课程正是为了弥补公立学校在数学课课程设置和教学法上的不足,而家长们也意识到了这一点。
- The location of and enrollment at some of the flourishing after-school programs in mathematics that have sprung up in the past two decades suggest they are a response to the deficiencies mathematically literate parents perceive in their public school 's mathematics coursework and pedagogy .
- 他还说,如果我们能够找到社交为什么对于学习来说如此有效的原理,抓住社交和教学之间互动的精髓,我们也许就能利用机器实现这其中的奥秘,制造出电脑代理商,智能辅导教师以及各种机器人。
- " If we can capture the magic of social interaction and pedagogy , what makes social interaction so effective as a vehicle for learning , we may be able to embody some of those tricks in machines , including computer agents , automatic tutors , and robots , " he said .
- 欢迎进入管理教学的未来式。
- Welcome to the future of management education .
- 你的老师拥有何等学历和教学经验?
- What education and experience do your teachers have ?
- 讲课是一种过时的教学方式。
- The lecture is an old form of education .