- 鲜有伊拉克政治家能将国家权利置于宗教派别或种族利益之上,少数派的权利被漠视,狭隘情绪滋长。
- Few iraqi politicians seem able to put country above religious sect or ethnicity . Minority rights are disrespected . Intolerance prevails .
- 查纳是当地一个叫“查纳”的基督教派别的领袖,该教创立于1942年6月,允许一夫多妻制。
- He heads a local christian religious sect , called the " chana " , which allows polygamy .
- 她是属於哪一个教派,什叶还是逊尼;她说她是逊尼派。
- Which religious sect she believes in , sunni or shiah ; she said she is a sunnite .
- 而另一个方法在博客中得到了很多人的支持,有人指出那条模糊法律其实允许发行面额不等的硬币来解燃眉之急。
- But another has been gaining adherents in the blogosphere , who note that an obscure law allows the treasury to issue platinum coins of any denomination .
- 这是津巴布韦最高面值钞票的现行汇率,这是史上发行过的最大面额的法定货币,也是一个国家的货币政策失控的标志。
- That 's the going rate for zimbabwe 's highest denomination note , the biggest ever produced for legal tender -- and a national symbol of monetary policy run amok .
- 加拿大的一个主流的基督教教派已经为同性恋者主持了很多年的婚礼了。
- A mainstream christian denomination in canada has been marrying gays for years .
- 因为害怕自己一旦倒台会遭到疯狂报复,他让手下的阿拉维成员屠杀占多数的逊尼派,以此拉拢圣战主义者,并说服其他派别的叙利亚人支持他。
- By getting his alawite brethren to massacre the sunni majority , he has drawn in jihadists and convinced syrians from other sects to stick with him for fear that his own fall will lead to terrible vengeance .
- 驾车只消半小时就能到叙利亚边境,的黎波里不同宗教派系之间的暴力冲突不断升级。
- It lies just half an hour by car from the border with syria , where violence increasingly pits the sects against each other .
- 在对黎巴嫩30年的占领期里,阿萨德集团在该国众多派别之间和内部玩起了分而治之的把戏。
- They played divide-and-rule with and within lebanon 's mosaic of sects during three decades of occupation .
- 随身带点当地的现金,最好是小面额的。
- Carry some local currency with you , preferably in small denominations .
- 她说,用小面额纸币来取代它们会增加生产和处理成本。
- Replacing them with small denominations would increase production and processing costs , she says .
- 除了设计简单和较易仿制之外,区分不同面值的美元也不太容易。
- Besides being dull and relatively easy to forge , different denominations of dollars are hard to tell apart .