- 全面禁止、百分之百的目标和惩罚性税收通常是教条主义的做法。
- Blanket bans , 100 % targets and punitive taxes are usually a sign of dogmatism .
- 也有人将其视之为欧洲文艺复兴的催化剂,特别是在希腊式的天才从拜占庭的教条主义解放出来之后尤其如此。
- Others again see it as a catalyst for the european renaissance , especially after hellenic talent was freed from byzantine dogmatism .
- 由于这种教条主义的结果,一个多世纪以来精神分析基本上是停滞不前,而相比之下科学心理学却得到了蓬勃发展。
- As a result of such dogmatism , psychoanalysis has remained basically stagnant for more than a century , in contrast with scientific psychology , which is thriving .