- 但是,你可以通过买一些公司股票的方式来投资,这些公司的产品和服务往往是“鼓励”和“教唆”人们浪费时间的。
- You can , however , buy shares in companies whose products and services encourage , abet , and enable time wasting and delay .
- 根据现行的英国法律,“帮助,教唆,建议或者鼓励”他人自杀的,将被起诉,并判14年监禁。
- Under current legislation , those who " aid , abet , counsel or procure " someone to end their own life can be prosecuted and jailed for up to 14 years .
- 人口走私活动是经偷渡者允许进行的,一旦到达目的地就与怂恿他们偷渡的蛇头互不相欠了。
- People-smuggling is done with the consent of those involved ; they have no further debt to the gangsters who abet them once they arrive .
- moreno说,mendoza的兄弟应经因“与其兄弟合谋犯罪”被逮捕,据称他怂恿mendoza开枪射击。
- Moreno said that mendoza 's brother was arrested because he was " guilty of conspiring with his brother " and allegedly helped instigate the shooting .
- 有些政府内讧派系认为对手在搞破坏煽动挑起一次阿拉伯春天革命。
- Some factions in the government think opponents are spoiling to instigate an arab spring-style revolution .
- 有一些人甚至警告说,如果我来了,他们将煽动抵制我的书。
- Some even warned me that they would instigate a boycott of my books if I came .