- 这影响了ge的公用事业生意。
- That affects ge 's utility business .
- 政府或者公用事业公司的股东应该参与进来吗?
- Should the government or other stakeholders like utility companies be involved ?
- 将金融拆分为公用事业和赌场不可能解决这个问题。
- The division of finance into utility and casino cannot solve this problem .
- 伊拉克安全部队的规模和效率也有所增长。
- Iraqi security forces have grown in size and effectiveness .
- 一个偷工减料的防火墙,其复杂性将削弱其效力。
- The complexity of a jerry-rigged firewall will undermine its effectiveness .
- 因此,如果我们将效益和效率结合,我们就能得到成效。
- So if we combine effectiveness and efficiency , we get productivity .
- 任人唯亲将不可避免地破坏效率。
- Cronyism will inevitably undermine efficiency .
- 但任何缩减目标都必须通过解雇职员和效能节约才能实现。
- Any savings target will have to be met through staff cuts and efficiency savings .
- 真正的效率来源于专注。
- True efficiency comes from specificity .