- 对于被提名首相,鸠山由纪夫已做好充分准备,他已经对“不受控制的市场原教旨主义和金融资本主义”大加鞭挞。
- Yukio hatoyama , who is poised to be named prime minister , has railed against " unrestrained market fundamentalism and financial capitalism " .
- 在鸠山就职前夕,他在《纽约时报》(thenewyorktimes)上撰文抨击了美国资本主义的失败,称之为“无节制的市场原教旨主义”,并暗示美国已陷入不可挽回的衰落。
- In an article for the new york times , published just before he took office , he decried the failures of american capitalism what he called " unrestrained market fundamentalism " and implied that the us is in irreversible decline .
- 这一灵感来源于维基百科,这个由志愿者共同撰写的百科全书,以及丹尼尔埃尔斯伯格在越战时期向纽约时报泄露五角大楼的文件,最终被最高法院裁定“只有自由的不受控制的新闻媒体才能有效揭露政府的把戏”。
- Inspirations included wikipedia , the web encyclopedia written by volunteers , and the leak of the pentagon papers by daniel ellsberg to the new york times during the vietnam war , which ultimately led to a supreme court ruling that " only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government . "
- 上面援引的段落被移到这一节,这里进一步讨论了“领航鱼”(约翰道斯帕索斯johndospassos),据推测是他把海明威介绍给腐化堕落的富人群,使他顺利地滑向不忠的道路。
- The passage quoted above is moved to this section , and there is an extended discussion of the " pilot fish " ( john dos passos ) , who supposedly introduced hemingway to a dissolute , rich crowd , greasing the wheels for his infidelity .
- 但这并非一个只关乎风流品行的模型。
- But this is hardly a model of dissolute morals .
- 他先是被任命为终身参议员,又在11月16日从风流的西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼手中接过大权。
- Appointed senator for life , he took power from the dissolute silvio berlusconi on november 16th .