- 政治运动和教育系统都被用于改造旧有的价值体系。
- Political campaigns and education programmes were used to reform traditional value systems .
- 三年的医改是否是情况得到改善了呢?
- Has the situation changed after 3 years of reform ?
- 况且教育部的那些老顽固仍旧不愿敞开革新的大门。
- And reactionary educational bureaucrats still block the door to reform .
- 对产量预测的微小修正,都意味着庞大的玉米数量。
- Even a small revision in forecasts corresponds to a huge volume of corn .
- 此次修正中加入了建筑业的新数据和更为完整的服务业数据。
- The revision followed the introduction of new construction sector data and more complete services sector figures .
- 该作者希望在2015年再次召开欧盟条约修订会议将使这些安排变得有条理。
- The author hopes yet another treaty revision conference in 2015 will make sense of these arrangements .
- 我至今为止最大的成功是我想在今天晚些时候最后完成的一件事是对我的工作室再改造。
- My biggest victory so far - one that I hope to finally achieve later today - has been the reclamation of my workshop .
- 为了兴建这条道路,并无其他合理的方案可替代填海。
- To build this road , there is no reasonable alternative to reclamation .
- 一个基本情况是,土地的供应量是固定不变的除了极少数像荷兰那样填海造陆的例子。
- The basic point is that the supply of land , with rare exceptions such as reclamation in the netherlands , is fixed .