- 吸收大量移民的政府也发现让他们保有其旧护照会有一些好处。
- Governments that take in many immigrants also see benefits from allowing them to keep their old passports .
- 他们感受到自己不得不吸收更多的东欧移民作为劳动力,这使国内的就业市场则受到威胁。
- They feel they have had to take in migrant workers from eastern europe who threaten their jobs .
- 它会帮助你降低你的血压和胆固醇以及限制你摄入的脂肪量。
- It will help you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol and limit the amount of bad fat you take in .
- 我同意德格劳威教授的观点。
- I accept prof de grauwe 's points .
- 民选政府会认可不靠谱的技术官僚们瞎猜出来的数字吗?
- Would elected governments accept the guesstimates of unaccountable technocrats ?
- 塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃的独立地位。
- Serbia refuses to accept kosovo 's statehood .
- 我同意德格劳威教授的观点。
- I accept prof de grauwe 's points .
- 民选政府会认可不靠谱的技术官僚们瞎猜出来的数字吗?
- Would elected governments accept the guesstimates of unaccountable technocrats ?
- 塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃的独立地位。
- Serbia refuses to accept kosovo 's statehood .
- 动力聚集在我的周围。
- Momentum was gathering all around me .
- 2010年上海世博会将成为一次盛大的国际聚会。
- Expo 2010 shanghai china will also be a grand international gathering .
- 很少你能发现一个聚会时没有包含吃的东西的。
- Rarely would you find a gathering with no food involved .