- 政府军和其重甲部队应从城镇撤离,以便让300名联合国监察员监督地区和平。
- Government troops and their heavy armour should withdraw from towns to let 300 un monitors oversee the peace .
- 在联合国要求叙利亚政府从居民区撤军的最后期限到来前夕,据报道叙利亚政府军打死打伤土耳其境内一个难民营的4人,并在黎巴嫩北部打死一名黎巴嫩摄影师。
- On the eve of a un deadline for the syrian government to withdraw its troops from populated areas , its forces were reported to have shot and wounded four people in a turkish refugee camp and killed a lebanese cameraman in north lebanon .
- 在1999年举行的欧安组织首脑会议上,俄罗斯曾许诺从德涅斯特河左岸撤军,但至今未兑现。
- Held in 1999 , the osce summit , russia has promised to withdraw its troops from the left bank of the dniester river , but so far unrealized .
- 在可视光下,sh2-235星云看上去像一朵很小琥珀色的云。
- Seen in visible light , the nebula known as sh 2-235 looks like a small , amber cloud .
- 萨哈:但是你认为作为科学家,他有资格相信吗?
- Sh : but you believe he 's entitled to believe it as a scientist ?
- 萨哈:它们确实贬低了他以科学教育人的责任。
- Sh : they do detract from his responsible education of people on science .