- 以这个收入你能支撑起一个家庭吗?
- Can you support a family on that income ?
- 邻近单位应当给予支援。
- Neighboring units shall provide support .
- 克林顿承诺美国将继续提供支援。
- Clinton pledged continued u.s. support .
- 我还需要拄几个月拐杖,之后我要戴一个柔软的大腿支架。
- I would be on crutches for a couple of months and in a soft leg brace after that .
- 百叶窗的柔和曲线的胶合板创建其自身的结构支撑和刚度,同时围绕日光其轮廓。
- The gentle curve of the plywood louver creates its own structural brace and rigidity while softening the daylight around its profile .
- 减薪无疑会划出血痕,而人们自己一定要支撑到临近的养老金系统的改革,这项改革可能要将平均退休年龄从58提升到63。
- The pay cuts will undoubtedly draw blood , and people must brace themselves for an imminent reform of the pension system , which is likely to raise the average retirement age from 58 to 63 .
- 南欧各国无法无限制地维持不断下降的竞争力。
- The southern states cannot indefinitely sustain declining competitiveness .
- 它需要持续不断的流动性流入作为支撑。
- It needs continuing liquidity inflows to sustain it .
- 支撑这些行业所需的信贷以及盈利已经消失。
- The leverage and profits needed to sustain them have gone .
- 这将有助于降低失业率并为通胀提供支撑。
- That would pull down unemployment and prop up inflation .
- 亚洲正在支撑起崩溃的西方经济,这也是不可能的。
- Nor is asia set to prop up the shattered western economy .
- 他需要美国及国际货币基金组织的现金来支撑一个摇摇欲坠的经济。
- He needs american and imf cash to prop up a failing economy .