- 执行部门的分支机构也需要改变。
- The executive branch also needs to change .
- 有一次我去一个跟丹佛似的分行。
- I was out visiting a branch in the equivalent of denver .
- 这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing .
- 他走马观花地带过早期的罗马时代,有几处顺势拐笔探索了一下中世纪城邦的重要性或是威尼斯这一光荣的分支。
- He canters through the early years , with a few diversions to explore the importance of city-states in medieval days or the glorious offshoot that was venice .
- 网景的开发者不再为这种开创性的浏览器提供支持,尽管其分支产品火狐浏览器仍旧发展强劲。
- Netscape 's developers pull the plug on the pioneer browser , though an offshoot , firefox , remains strong .
- 也门的基地组织分支被怀疑是本次事件的幕后谋划者,但此次恐怖事件意图是否在于炸毁飞机仍需等待确认。
- Al-qaeda 's offshoot in yemen was suspected of being behind the plot , though it remained unclear whether its intention was to bring the aircraft down .