- 而这有可能一举动摇石油工业、汽车制造业和电力工业。
- That could shake up the oil , carmaking and electricity industries all in one go .
- 微软一向自命不凡,直到谷歌的到来,才撼动了其地位。
- Microsoft had largely grown complacent until google came along to shake up categories .
- 如果你怀疑这一点,不妨考虑一下上一个撼动世界的新兴超级大国的崛起。
- If you doubt it , consider the rise of the last emerging superpower to shake the world .
- 再要降低含盐量,这块火腿就只能沦为一块橡皮板了。
- Any less salt and the ham would be reduced to a rubbery slab .
- 西班牙凉菜汤的味道很不错,迪尔洛特也表示自己的火腿很不错。
- The gazpacho tastes good , and dilnot professes to enjoy his ham .
- geordiecheryl很喜欢吃她妈妈自己做的火腿与豌豆汤。
- Geordie cheryl used to tuck into her mum 's home-made ham and pea soup .
- 打个比方,奥普拉、烹饪女王瑞秋瑞、盎司博士成功的原因里,有一部分就是他们致力于帮助其他的人。
- For example , part of the reason oprah , rachael ray , and dr. oz are so successful is because they " major " in helping others .
- 当您的婴儿出生他的大脑重量约为三百五克(12盎司);他的第一个生日,它的重量为1公斤(2.2磅)。
- When your baby is born his brain weighs about 350 g ( 12 oz ) ; by his first birthday it weighs 1 kg ( 2.2 lb ) .
- 纽约、新泽西和康涅狄格州零售商店被召回的“deer优选葡萄干”每包14盎司,包装在透明的塑料袋中。
- The recalled " deer raisin golden " were distributed in 14 oz , clear uncoded plastic packages in new york , new jersey and connecticut retail stores .