- 农业机械运行安全技术条件播种机。
- Safe technical requirementsfor agricultural machinery operating seeder .
- 垄上镇压玉米精密播种机保墒抗旱机理的研究。
- Study on drought resisting and humidity keeping mechanism of precise maize seeder rolling on the ridge .
- 2byf-6型油菜免耕直播联合播种机田间试验研究。
- Experimental research on 2byf-6 type no-tillage rape combine seeder in paddy stubble field .
- 爸爸是富裕的甘蔗种植园主,妈妈来自古巴地主阶级。
- His father was a wealth sugar planter and his mother came from the cuban landed gentry .
- 喝茶的时候,女主人会问起:“你是种植者的朋友吗?”
- When tea was served , the hostess would ask : " are you a friend of the planter ? "
- 每个花架都由一个家庭认领;唯一让他失望的是,这些花架尚未被满足够大的灌木填满,以挡住停放的汽车。
- Each planter has been adopted by a household ; his only disappointment is that they haven 't been filled with shrubs big enough to hide the parked cars .
- 撒种的人做了什事?
- What does the sower do ?
- 你们要将巴比伦撒种的和收割时拿镰刀的都剪除了。
- Cut off from babylon the sower , and the reaper with his sickle at harvest .
- 耶稣是的第一个撒种人。
- Jesus is the first sower .