- phrasupajarawat精瘦结实,身披黄色袈裟,他是当地寺院的住持,也是讪滴戌村那家只有一个房间的小银行的“行长”。
- " We need our own money more than ever now , " says phra supajarawat , the wiry , orange-robed abbot of the local buddhist monastery , who doubles as a " governor " of santi suk 's tiny , one-room bank .
- 我有一种感到,我们很快就会需要比平常更多的欢笑了。
- I have a activity that we will anon need a beam more than accepted .
- 如果要在英国最大的“碳仓库”上竖起风力涡轮机,我们需要判断可能出现的碳泄露,这种碳泄露不应仅仅是“可控的”,也不应“完全取决”于“假设的数值”。
- When erecting wind turbines on the nation 's largest carbon store , we need estimates of the likely carbon loss that are more than simply " defendable " , and are not " entirely subject " to " assumed values " .