- 岩石在下游大约80米处。
- The rock is about 80m downstream .
- 化石通常是嵌在岩石块中。
- Fossils usually come embedded in rock .
- 蜡烛被搁在了一块岩石之上。
- It was standing on a rock .
- 经济学上的论证无法影响一个女人如何为她的身体定价。
- Economic reasoning has little sway over how a woman values her body .
- 对立柱要特别的注意,好的立柱可以让房屋在地震中只是左右摇摆,不至于倒塌。
- Pay special attention to columns , which are the key to having a building sway rather than topple .
- proglio持续影响制约威立雅仅仅是其中一个极端的例子。
- Mr proglio 's continuing sway over veolia is merely an extreme example .