- 当有人恳求他留下感谢球迷时,他嘴里咕哝着,但最终还是留了下来,加入队友,大口地喝着水,昂首阔步,看起来那么的格格不入。
- As he was implored to stay and acknowledge the supporters , he muttered under his breath but finally did emerge to rejoin his team-mates , swigging a bottle of water with a swagger that looked out of place .
- 但它的重新昂首阔步不应当掩盖的事实是:为了在市场风暴中生存,它需要转为银行控股公司;将其未来收益悬挂于重新调整后的产业中所带来的疑问。
- But its renewed swagger should not conceal the fact that it needed to convert into a bank-holding company in order to survive the market storm-nor the questions that hang over its future earnings in a re-regulated industry .
- 染成金色的头发、充满自信的昂首阔步,23岁的本田圭佑是日本的重要球员。
- With his dyed-blond hair and confident swagger , 23-year-old keisuke honda is japan 's key player .
- 呦,你难道不会觉得有一点害怕?
- Yo , aren 't you get a little scared ?
- 呦,你们两个玩的开心吗?
- Yo , you boys having fun ?
- 唷,为什么我们要穿这样的长袍?
- Yo why do we haveto wear these robes ?