- 摆脱债务负担有可能是一个漫长而缓慢的过程。
- Getting rid of debt could be a long and slow process .
- 摆脱分区制是通向修正问题的道路的一步。
- Getting rid of zoning would be a step towards fixing the problem .
- 而对于公司来说,摆脱他们的老员工同样吸引力。
- To companies , getting rid of their oldest workers was also attractive .
- 于是我就问她:你当时真没想过照片会流传出去吗?
- Did you really not think that would get out I ask ?
- 如果你感觉身体麻木了,就提前出来吧。
- If you feel numbness get out sooner .
- 坎昆机场已经被大批试图离开墨西哥的乘客填满。
- Cancun airport has been flooded by tourists trying to get out .
- 同时,学术界需要重新获取他们的创新和独立思考传统,摆脱金融界的影响。
- In parallel academics need to recapture their heritage of creative independent thinking and throw off the influence of finance .
- 让受压迫的男性鼓足勇气起来挣脱束缚的呼吁正在传播。
- The appeal to the downtrodden male to have courage rise up and throw off his shackles is spreading .
- 我很想买一套新衣服,扔掉这身破衣服。
- I wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off my rags .