- 奥巴马总统在星期二的讲话中对被枪杀的伊朗年轻女性索尔坦表示哀悼,称这一事件令人心碎,完全没有公理。
- In his remarks on tuesday , president obama paid tribute to neda agha soltan , the young woman whose shooting death , recorded on a camera phone just after it occurred , was seen worldwide , calling it heartbreaking and fundamentally unjust .
- 这之后,我通常会马上把存储卡放回相机,并在新的拍摄开始前对其格式化。
- At this point I always place the card back in the camera and immediately format it before I start shooting again .
- 我举起相机,不停地为博美犬拍摄艺术照。
- I raised my camera , keep shooting for the pomeranian to care .
- 您可为任何ups包裹派送服务安排收件时间。
- You may schedule a pickup for any ups package delivery service .
- 一辆丰田小卡车紧随其后,而由于车玻璃颜色太深的缘故,看不清里面究竟有几个人。
- A toyota pickup pulled up behind its windows tinted too dark to see how many people might be inside .
- 但有些贷款机构却看到了好转迹象。
- But some lenders are seeing a pickup .
- 由于dv摄像机的状态发生更改,捕获操作已停止。要继续捕获视频操作,请在向导中单击“开始捕获”。
- Capturing has stopped because the state of the dv camera has changed . To continue capturing video , click start capture in the wizard .
- 将来,会有越来越多家庭选择购买高清电视机和高清数码摄像机。
- In the future , there will be more and more families choosing to buy high definition tv and dv .
- 在打开dv摄像机时显示的“自动播放”对话框中,单击“导入视频”。
- In the autoplay dialog box that displays when you turn on the dv camera , click import video .
- ccd是一种能将光能转换成电荷的硅集成电路,它对数码影像技术的发展至关重要。
- A silicon-based integrated circuit that converts light energy into an electronic charge , a ccd was crucial to advances in digital imaging technology .
- 而史密斯和博伊尔因“发明了成像半导体电路电荷耦合器件图像传感器”而获此殊荣。
- Smith and boyle were honoured " for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit the ccd sensor " .
- 引领数码相机走向成功的技术革新是电荷耦合器件,也叫ccd。
- The technological breakthrough that led to digital cameras was the charge-coupled device , or ccd .