- 充分的搜寻需要时间。
- A good search takes time .
- 州警已经着手进行相关搜寻工作。
- A state police search is under way .
- 谷歌是一个搜索引擎。
- Google was a search engine .
- 丽莉和迪沙一同来找遗言,他们两个人翻箱倒柜,可就是什么也没找出来。
- Lily and dean sand to find words together , the two of them rummage , be what also didn 't find out .
- 难民翻找通过第二手,都是在日惹,中爪哇2010年11月7号难民营分发衣服。
- Refugees rummage through second-hand clothes that were distributed at a refugee camp in yogyakarta , central java november 7 , 2010 .
- 她的衣服都是甩卖市场上卖的,她没有车,一生中大多数的时间在一家医药公司做秘书。
- She bought her clothes at rummage sales , didn 't own a car and worked most of her life as a secretary for a pharmaceutical company .
- 这个女人在家里翻箱倒柜寻找丢失的珠宝。
- The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry .
- 他不想沉湎于怀旧之中,而想要洗劫过去、全力投入未来。
- Rather than wallow in nostalgia , he wants to ransack the past and strike out into the future .
- 一些人同样担心他将会掠夺沃尔沃的知识产权,以此改善吉利不太精巧的汽车。
- Some also fear that he will ransack volvo 's intellectual property to boost geely 's less sophisticated cars .
- 希腊是否应该从自身利益出发、积极谋求退出呢?
- Should greece actively seek an exit , in its own interests ?
- 他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。
- He announced monday he wouldn 't seek re-election in 2012 .
- 至于中产阶级,法西斯主义不谋求对他们的没收。
- As for the bourgeoisie , fascism doesn 't seek their expropriation .