- 20世纪60年代进军英国,他创办了现代小报其中充斥着性刺激、道德激愤以及政治攻击。
- Arriving in britain in the 1960s , he invented the modern tabloid newspaper-a stew of sexual titillation , moral outrage and political aggression .
- 除了带来十足的快感,这些包含一个声明,总理的行为不只是不体面的而且已构成违法。
- Besides plenty of titillation , these included claims that the prime minister had acted in ways that were not just unseemly but illicit .
- 我们无法弄清楚究竟有多人少遵从了comfort的建议,或者有多少人把这本书当做了消遣而不是性爱指南。
- It is impossible to know how many people actually followed comfort 's recommendations , or indeed how many read the book for titillation rather than instruction .
- 加州立法委员会必须在六月通过一个预算方案,委员会中三分之二的绝大多数都是民主党人,其中很多都渴望撤销近年推出的大幅削减方案。
- California 's legislature , which must pass a budget in june , has a two-thirds supermajority of democrats , many of whom are itching to reverse some of the deep cuts of recent years .
- 但抓挠对慢性骚痒症只能暂时止痒,或者根本没用。
- But chronic itching may respond to scratching only very temporarily or not at all .
- 但是麦克法兰的脚似乎又开始痒了,他想要去别的地方逛逛。
- But mr macfarlane 's feet were obviously itching to go on , beyond , elsewhere .
- 评论一本小说的时候,你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。
- In review a novel , you shall try to titillate rather than satiatethe reader 's interest .
- 如果能正确选择和穿着内衣的感官和蒋纬国径伙伴野生你!
- Lingerie if chosen and worn correctly can titillate the senses and drive your partner wild !
- 一些艺术收藏品,称为“枕边书”,是留给新婚夫妇作为入门指导,但是这些艺术品的主要目的明显表露出来就是要激起性欲。
- Some collections of artwork , termed ' pillow books ' were given to newly married couples as instruction guides , but the main purpose of the artwork does appear to have been to titillate .