- 但是通过部署战术性核武器,巴基斯坦方面激起人们对不稳定因素的害怕。
- But by rolling out tactical nuclear weapons , pakistan is stirring fears of instability .
- 在所有激动人心的言语中,政府对可再生能源的论述却是寥寥无几。
- For all its stirring rhetoric , the government 's record on renewable energy is poor .
- 尽管有着候选人的承诺和选民的希望,但大选之夜展示了一种政治上少见的激动人心的场面。
- Election night was stirring in the way politics seldom is , despite candidate promises and voter hopes .
- 或许又是时候和另一家网络合作了呢,pax还在考虑吗?
- Maybe it 's time for another network to get in the mix . Is pax still around ?
- 将所有原料放入搅拌机中混合。
- Mix everything in a blender .
- 通过向产品组合中加入其它资产并不能纾困。
- Adding other assets to the mix does not solve the dilemma .
- 我认为我们有一个有趣的混合。
- I think we have an interesting blend .
- 它将从一个能被看见的细节所轻易的融合到背景颜色中。
- It will simply blend into the background instead of being seen as a distinct feature .
- 这个节日的起源混合以一些异教徒的风俗。
- The religious festival is originally a blend of pagan customs .
- 允许各种数据创造性混合起来的各种网络协议,解释了互联网作为一种多媒体、多功能及多学科的创新环境,影响力为何一直无与伦比。
- Protocols permitting diverse data to mingle creatively explain why the internet 's influence as a multimedia , multifunctional and multidisciplinary environment for innovation remains unsurpassed .
- 许多人混杂在居住于泰国的大约百万名缅甸非法移民中。
- Many mingle among the million or so illegal burmese migrants living in thailand .
- 莫斯科安全部门保持高度警惕,身着便衣的美国安全人员同莫斯科警方混杂在一起。
- The security services in moscow are on high alert and plain-clothed american security men mingle with moscow police .