- 一端砚台,一支毛笔,还有最近完成的几副书法,占据了他沉重的天井桌桌面。
- A classic chinese inkstand and writing brush share his heavy patio desk with several sheets of recently completed calligraphy .
- 一端砚台,一支毛笔,还有最近完成的几副书法,占据了他沉重的天井桌桌面。
- A classic chinese inkstand and writing brush share his heavy patio desk with several sheets of recently completed calligraphy .
- 我不禁走到画案前铺上宣纸,拿起颤动的笔蘸着黄色和一点点朱红,将这扇明亮的小窗子抹在纸上。
- I could not help but to walk to the front of my painting desk , spreading the painting paper , taking up the dithered writing brush and dipping it with some yellow color and a little of vermeil , and then plastering the bright little window on the paper .