- 英国法律年度传统上以在威斯敏斯特大教堂(westminsterabbey)举行的一次宗教仪式开始,以此为即将到来的工作祈求神助。
- The start of the legal year in britain is traditionally marked by a service at westminster abbey , to invoke the aid of the deity for the task ahead .
- 你曾说过,我们没有理由祈求上帝去点燃蓝色火种。
- You 've said there is no reason to invoke god to light the blue touchpaper .
- 色彩的恰当使用能够唤起人们对产品愉快的想法和情绪
- The right colors will invoke pleasing thoughts and emotions in association with your product .
- 没有几个西方人能引用孔子的话。
- Few westerners can quote a saying of confucius .
- 能够准确而快速地给出报价会提高你搞定那个咨询兼职的概率。
- Being able to quote quickly and accurately will raise your chances of landing that consulting gig .
- 摩托罗拉或者德尔科的销售人员可能路过,拿一份电阻报价。
- A salesman from motorola or delco might stop by with a quote on resistors .
- 鹰派经济学家也引用弗里德曼反通胀运动。
- Hawks also cite friedman 's anti-inflation crusade .
- 他们还引用实例来说明其实用性。
- They cite examples of its usefulness .
- 我所举出的这些例子,只不过是数百个例子中的一部分而已。
- The examples in the box are just some of hundreds I could cite .