- 我发现了一个看上去像海绵的黑色小东西。
- I had spotted a small black shape that looked like a sponge .
- 我们的头脑是一块海绵,我们的心脏是一条溪流。
- Our mind is a sponge ; our heart is a stream .
- 他选择了海绵,然后和妈妈一起把地上的牛奶清理干净。
- He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk .
- 他想从我这儿讨些钱买车票。
- He tried to scrounge some money off me for his bus fare .
- 你要是再想借钱,我可没有了。
- If you 're on the scrounge again , I 've no money .
- 我准备去找点好吃的东西女孩们想要点什么吗?
- I 'm gonna go scrounge up a decent meal . You girls want anything ?