- 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
- Foreigners already hold half the national debt .
- 把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。
- Hold it over your friend 's head .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .
- 在价格机制方面,包括对出口退税政策的把握问题。
- Price mechanism contains the grasp of export rebates policy .
- 举一个大部分人都能理解的定律做例供给和需求。
- Take one law that most people can grasp supply and demand .
- 我认为我们仅是在最近开始抓住了它相关的蕴含。
- I think we have all only begun to grasp its implications relatively recently .
- 阿萨德的控制力愈显疲弱。
- Mr assad 's grip looks increasingly weak .
- 波音和空客或许要失去其对市场牢牢的控制。
- Boeing and airbus could lose their tight grip .
- 我不知道为什么上帝不把凯利从山的冰冷的禁锢中解救出来。
- I don 't know why god did not rescue kelly from the cold grip of the mountain .
- 登上科尔沃号后,柯尔特开始痴迷于轮船的舵轮,尤其是其通过使用离合器来进行交替旋转或者锁定在特定的位置的方式。
- Aboard the corvo , colt became fascinated with the ship 's wheel , particularly the way it could alternately spin or be locked in a fixed position through the use of a clutch .
- 清洁抛光,上润滑油,更换过滤器,调节引擎,更换磨损的刹车器和离合器衬片是所有车都需要的日常保养。
- Cleaning and polishing , lubricating , and replacing filters , tuning the engine , and replacing worn brake and clutch linings are some of the normal maintenance services all cars require .
- 此时,离合器是你的大敌,千万不要动它!
- At this stage , your clutch is your enemy , steer clear of it !