- 在洗衣房他会打开机器门,把湿透的上装从洗鼓取下来。
- In the launderette he would open the door of a machine and release his sodden jacket from where it clung to the drum .
- 重要的印象不仅是漂亮的卡车,还有驾驶员,穿着黑裤子、绿夹克和丝制涤纶领带,夹克口袋上缝着“flyings”图案,打开车门爬出来。
- And not only the lorries were smart . Open the door , and out would climb a driver in black trousers and a green jacket , with a " flying s " motif sewn on the pocket and a silk polyester tie . The stobart uniform .
- 南斯拉夫队门将潘特利茨,于1980年10月的足球锦标赛的一场比赛中,从92米远处射进对方球门一球,成为迄今破门最远的世界纪录。
- Terry pan , goalkeeper of yugoslavia thatch , one of soccer championship of october of 1980 among the of match , peer into the other side goal one ball from 92 distant place , is it force open the door the most far world record so far to become .