- 用黑板漆涂上一些赤土色的斑点,便于贴标签。
- Paint some terracotta pots with chalkboard paint for easy labeling .
- 法国大使馆被淋上黑色的油漆。
- Black paint splattered the french mission .
- 而那些钉子也隐藏在油漆下面。
- And those nails are well hidden with paint .
- 她能把独立人士吸引回来吗?
- Would she draw independents back ?
- 把你的想法画出来吧!
- Draw your thoughts of course !
- 它们会吸引别人的注意力并且经常没有机会用。
- They draw attention and often prove unnecessary .
- 支持者所说的同情心,被批评者描述为软弱和优柔寡断。
- What supporters see as empathy , these critics depict as weakness and vacillation .
- 卡扎菲会将此举描述成战争行为,从而带来非常不确定的政治后果。
- Colonel gaddafi would depict this as an act of war , with highly uncertain political consequences .
- 有希腊人描述德国领导人是纳粹分子,而德国人认为希腊人好吃懒做的骗子。
- Some greeks depict german leaders as nazis . Many germans regard greeks as lazy cheats .
- 你的私人助理会如何形容你?
- How would your pa describe you ?
- 你将怎样形容这本书呢?
- How would you describe this book ?
- 哪五个词可以形容你?
- What are five words that describe you ?