- 支持者所说的同情心,被批评者描述为软弱和优柔寡断。
- What supporters see as empathy , these critics depict as weakness and vacillation .
- 卡扎菲会将此举描述成战争行为,从而带来非常不确定的政治后果。
- Colonel gaddafi would depict this as an act of war , with highly uncertain political consequences .
- 有希腊人描述德国领导人是纳粹分子,而德国人认为希腊人好吃懒做的骗子。
- Some greeks depict german leaders as nazis . Many germans regard greeks as lazy cheats .
- 得克萨斯喜欢将自己描绘成一个小政府的范例,情况的确也是这样。
- Texas likes to portray itself as a model of small government , and indeed it is .
- 麦凯恩努力将奥巴马描述成一个不爱国的社会主义者。
- Mr mccain has tried to portray barack obama as an unpatriotic socialist .
- 看穿并描述这种痛楚就不该是代价很高的吧?
- Should it not be costly to penetrate and portray this pain ?
- 在儿童时期中段的某个时刻,当我们开始画可辨别的物体时,我们用轮廓线去分辨和描绘他们。
- At a certain point in middle childhood , when we begin to draw recognizable things , we separate and delineate them with outlines .
- 穿越时间和空间,饮食一直以来都被用来描绘社会的区别,不论是在古罗马的饭厅里还是在现代的美食超级市场上。
- Across time and space , food has always been used to delineate social distinctions , whether in roman dining rooms or modern gourmet supermarkets .
- 亚洲国家将勾勒出这两个大国的影响力范围,但考虑到各国的利益各有不同,取决于各自的具体关切,联盟的构成也将变化。
- Asian countries are in a position to delineate the boundaries of influence for these two powers but , given their varied interests , alliances will shift depending on individual concerns .