- 事实上,同一种说法,不同的人有不同的解读,因此要判断用词是否有夸张之嫌更是困难,这使得整个情况更是扑朔迷离。
- Further obfuscating the situation is the fact that the same phrase can be interpreted in a myriad of different ways depending on who reads it , making it hard for one to judge whether a line is excessive or not .
- 为避免发生危险,各队伍如果在其表演中包含任何可视为危险情况的、比如一些有爆炸烟雾火焰场景的情况,在赛前必须向裁判长提交报告,简述其表演程序。
- In order to avoid hazardous situations such as routines including explosions , smoke or flame , each team whose routine includes any situation that could be deemed hazardous must submit a report to the chief judge before the competition , outlining the content of their dance routine .