- 尽管如此,不要给数额少到像是侮辱一样的、而不是鼓励的钱。
- That said , don 't send in a sum so trifling that it seems more like a slap than a token of appreciation .
- 维克多查说,朝鲜是唯一一个把卫星发射和弹道导弹试验区分开的国家,他称朝鲜的宣布是对国际社会的侮辱。
- Cha said north korea was the only country that makes a distinction between satellite launches and ballistic missile tests , calling the announcement a " slap in the face " to the international community .
- 但是,他想用钱来解决社会问题,并对富人征更多的税,他正在用他的演讲才能虏获人们的恐惧心态。
- Instead , he wants to throw money at social problems and slap more taxes on the rich , and he is using his oratorical powers to prey on people 's fears .
- 小的危险是这种垃圾会打到人身上,少量碎片还会重新进入大气层。
- There is a small risk that this rubbish will smack into human beings when minor amounts of it re-enter the earth 's atmosphere .
- 默克尔的总结发言的确有些在火势仍然失控的情况下重组“消防队”的味道。
- Ms merkel 's summary statement did indeed smack of reorganising the fire brigade while the blaze is still out of control .
- 我并不想打我的儿子。
- I did not want to smack my son .
- 丹尼斯对妻子的怀疑带点中年危机的味道。
- Dennis 's suspicions of his wife smacked of midlife crisis .
- 我是在她屁股上拍了一下.
- I smacked her on the butt .
- 还记得上次被抽是什么时候吗?
- When did you last get smacked ?