- 4年前,她的第一间婚庆公司chimes开张了。
- Four years ago , she opened chimes , her first bridal business endeavour .
- 这种完美的和谐是给想要成为作家的人的标准建议。
- This chimes perfectly with the standard advice given to wannabe writers .
- 一提到胡桃夹子,你就联想到钟鸣和雪花。
- Think of " the nutcracker " and you imagine chimes and snowflakes .
- 此刻的贝尔也没闲着。
- Bell meanwhile had not been idle .
- 但是,他们已熬过了吃塔可钟和穿二手衣的日子。
- But the days of eating at taco bell and wearing second-hand clothes are over .
- 贝尔女士既不是私人侦探,也不是间谍。
- Ms bell is neither a private investigator nor a spy .
- 查看位于巴拿马城海滩的其他酒店。
- The inn at carillon panama city beach .
- 州政府文件记录显示这个公司最初叫做卡瑞龙控股(carillonholdings),它是在2008年3月的时候成立的。
- State records show that the company , originally called carillon holdings , was established in march 2008 .
- 魔钟-卡切依魔鬼的护卫出现-伊凡王子被捕。
- Magic carillon - appearance of kastcheis monster guardians - capture of prince ivan .