- 花旗突发的行动代表着两个必要的思维转换。
- Citi 's burst of activity signals two big , and necessary , shifts in thinking .
- 我想把卡拉什尼科夫武器放置于一个全面的情况之中,了解它在步兵自动武器演进以及在战争战术转换中的作用。
- I wanted to put the kalashnikov in a fuller context and show its place in a larger evolution of automatic infantry arms and shifts in tactics and war fighting .
- 该术语描述的是地球于何时从一种环境状态转换到另一种:在本案例中,即北极何时从有夏季海冰到无夏季海冰。
- The term describes the moment at which the planet shifts from one environmental state to another : in this case , from an arctic with summer sea ice to one without it .