- 接下来,g20将向周六召开会议的imf部长级指导小组国际货币与金融委员会(internationalmonetaryandfinancialcommittee)介绍情况。
- And in turn the g20 briefs the international monetary and financial committee , the imf 's ministerial steering group , which gathers on saturday .
- 如果司机戴着手套,仪表盘上的摄像头将查验其瞳孔是否放大,车载电脑会检测驾驶行为是否反常。
- If the driver is wearing gloves , a camera on the dashboard will check for dilated pupils and the car 's computer will detect erratic steering .
- 比如说,在视频游戏当中,它可以让游戏玩家感到自己好像真地在驾驶他们所控制的屏幕上的赛车。
- In videogames , for instance , it can give gamers the sensation of actually steering a car they 're controlling on the screen .